Why Support Our Foundation?
There is a critical need for more and better skilled Oncology Nurses to care for the rising number of cancer patients in the U.S. We are uniquely and successfully addressing this need by producing the next generation of Oncology Nurses in partnership with several of the country’s leading hospitals and undergraduate nursing schools. In doing so our overarching goal is to improve the quality of care for future cancer patients and their families.
Where Does Your Donation Go?
100% of every donation goes directly to support our programs. Each Flynn Fellow (35+ students per summer) receives a cash stipend during their fellowship, which comprise the majority of our operating costs.
How Can You Help?
Ways you can directly support our Flynn Fellows include
Sponsor a Flynn Fellow
$5,000: Covers average stipend cost of 1 Flynn Fellow
Individuals passionate about healthcare and nursing education can sponsor Flynn Fellows in memory or honor of loved ones. By personally supporting the stipend cost, you can designate a specific Flynn Fellow from your chosen hospital or nursing school and become the Fellow’s sponsor. This direct connection between donors, nursing students, and honorees fosters immense gratitude and enthusiasm for our program.
Attendance at Leading Industry Conferences
$2,500: Covers the cost of sending 4 Flynn Fellows to the ONS’s prestigious 2024 3+ day Congress national conference.
$1,250: Covers the cost of sending 2 Flynn Fellows to the APHON’s popular 2024 2+ day national conference.
$500: Covers registration cost for 2 Fellows to virtually attend Schwartz Center’s prestigious 2024 2-day Compassion in Action conference.
Online Training Courses and Reading Materials
$250: Covers cost of highly acclaimed course on ‘End-of-Life Nursing Skills’ for 10 Fellows
$100: Covers cost of ONS’s very informative ‘Cancer Basics’ course for 5 Flynn Fellows
$50: Covers cost of required reading materials for 1 Flynn Fellow
Annual Golf Marathon
To raise money to support The Flynn Foundation, Fred and his son Matt participate in a Golf Marathon each year in September from sun-up to sun-down, where they each attempt to play 150 holes of golf. Sponsor them by pledging an amount per hole played or specify a total donation amount. All donations received will be used to support the average stipend cost of our Flynn Fellows.
Now accepting donations to the 9/30/24 Golf Marathon.

“The Flynn Fellowship confirmed my calling for pediatric oncology. It laid the foundation I needed for the rest of my career and I would not be where I am today without it.”
Gianna Bender, Sacred Heart University
Flynn Fellow at Boston Children’s Hospital and Boston College
Pediatric Oncology Nurse at Boston Children’s Hospital

“The Flynn Fellowship solidified my desire to be an Oncology Nurse. The opportunities I had to learn what it takes to care for the oncology population were truly life changing!”
Paige Guegerty, UPenn
Flynn Fellow at HUP
Oncology Nurse at HUP
How to Make a Donation
The preferred way to support our programs is by making a donation directly to The Flynn Foundation—a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable foundation. All such donations are tax-deductible and donors will receive an acknowledgment letter confirming their donation.
We accept donations of any amount. Click the link below to make an online donation securely through PayPal Donations.
Donors may also remit donations by check payable to The Flynn Foundation at the address below.
The Flynn Foundation
8 Harbor Drive
Westerly, RI 02891
Thank you for your valuable support of our program.
Fred Flynn,
Founder & President
The Flynn Foundation
Memorial donations are being accepted to honor the wonderful oncology nursing legacy of Kay Oddie. Donations to our annual Golf Marathon fundraising event on September 30 are currently being accepted.