Stephen Corman to Sponsor Flynn Fellows at Stamford Hospital
I am pleased to announce that my good friend Stephen Corman has generously agreed to sponsor our two planned Flynn Fellows at Stamford Hospital in 2017. The Fellows will be competitively selected from applicants from the undergraduate nursing schools at Fairfield University and Sacred Heart University for this unique two‐month oncology nursing clinical experience beginning June 19, 2017. Stamford Hospital is one of my original Fellowship program partners; since 2014 nine (9) Flynn Fellows have completed this specialized Internship program at Stamford Hospital and many of them have already started their oncology nursing careers. Mr. Corman is a well-known and widely respected philanthropist who has a distinguished personal history of extensive volunteerism, extraordinary financial support of oncology‐related programs, and is also a leading advocate of fostering compassionate care (including Palliative Care).