Flynn Fellows Attend Prestigious Palliative Care Conference

Pictured above: 2024 Flynn Fellow attendees Kate Heiden, Molly Brett and Rachel Weng

The 14th Annual Edith Richner Palliative Care Conference hosted by Molloy University on May 31, 2024, focused on new developments in the expanding and dynamic field of Palliative Care. Several experts from medicine, nursing, pastoral care, child life and social work presented the latest advancements in the fields of symptom management, ethics and communications, staff self-care and bereavement. The main objective of this distinguished annual conference is for participants to enhance their ability to provide high-quality professional, competent, empathetic care to patients and their families. The program format included several lectures and a large number of ‘concurrent breakout sessions’ on a wide variety of topical subjects in this specialized field.

Thanks to the Flynn Foundation’s valuable program partnership with Molloy University’s School of Nursing, including Dean Dr. Marcia Gardner and Mr. Louis Cino, Dean of Continuing Education & Professional Studies, several recent Flynn Fellows were able to attend this prestigious Conference in person and also virtually. Some of their “testimonials” are shown below:

“The Conference expanded and solidified my interest in interdisciplinary care in the palliative setting. During the conference, the opportunity to collaborate with diverse professionals was extremely beneficial as I got to learn different approaches to palliative care based on their experiences. My hope is to use what I learned in my care plans as a future oncology nurse to make a difference in my patient’s care.”

Molly Brett
2024 Flynn Fellow at UCONN Health Center
University of Connecticut, Class of 2025

“The Conference was eye-opening into the intricacies of the close partnership which palliative care and oncology nursing typically enjoy. I was intrigued and inspired by the wealth of knowledge that was shared by several experts in the field. Being able to spend the day networking and attending lectures and workshops revolving around interdisciplinary collaboration, patient-centered care, advocacy, and research further fueled my passion for making a difference in the lives of cancer patients and their caregivers!”

Kate Heiden
2024 Flynn Fellow at Hartford Hospital
University of St. Joseph, Class of 2025

“Attending this special Conference provided an invaluable insight into the interdisciplinary collaborations that occur daily in palliative and hospice care, and in the field of oncology care; aspects of oncology and patient care we can often overlook. It was very valuable to hear experts in their field of study provide advice on how to manage burnout as a caregiver, how to effectively communicate with patients and their families during their most vulnerable period, and how to be resilient despite adversities and hurdles presented at work and in life. The Mentoring sessions with Sue Degnan and Joyce Palmieri were highlights for me, offering guidance and invaluable advice to people new to palliative care. I am grateful for the wonderful opportunity to attend this conference and I look forward to applying the knowledge gained in my clinical practices.”

Rachel Weng
2024 Flynn Fellow at New York Presbyterian Hospital
Hunter College/CUNY, Class of 2025